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3 Considerations When Choosing a Managed IT Services Provider

August 27, 2018 | Business Technology

Access to expert tech support is essential for the modern small business, and you’ll need to spend some time researching your IT options. Your organization can’t afford to waste money, but cutting corners in critical areas is not a good choice, either. Here’s a quick overview of what’s most important when it comes to IT support.

In-House or Managed IT Services?

The cost of an in-house IT team can be difficult for a small business to absorb. Aside from salary and benefits, ongoing training must be factored into the total cost of bringing an internal IT services employee on board. For many SMBs, Managed IT Services is financially feasible, costing considerably less than an on-site technician, and providing the IT support they need going forward.

3 Key Considerations

If you’re considering engaging the services of a Managed IT Services provider, here are three factors to examine:

  1. Commitment

    How committed is the Managed IT Services provider to your success? Do they take a proactive approach or wait for their customers to contact them? Can they address issues via remote monitoring? Do they have a track record of correcting problems before they have a chance to interrupt service?

  2. Multiple services

    Keep looking if you’ll need to seek assistance from multiple IT providers to meet your needs. The best Managed IT Services providers offer a wide range of IT services.

  3. Customized support

    No one likes to pay for services they don’t need. Your Managed IT Services partner should be able to customize your IT package, providing you with a wide range of servicesequipment, and technologies you need now with plenty of room for expansion as your requirements change.

Choosing a Managed IT Services provider is critical to your company’s success. Contact Function4 to meet with a representative today!

Function4 serves Houston, Beaumont, Paris, and the surrounding areas.